Dental implants are the most effective and longest-lasting method of replacing missing teeth. They provide greater stability and natural appearance than traditional bridges or dentures. Implants also preserve bone tissue and significantly reduce bone resorption and deterioration that can lead to the loss of adjacent teeth.대구임플란트추천병원
A dental implant is a metal anchor, usually made of titanium, that acts as a tooth root. It is surgically placed into the jaw bone. The bone heals around the implanted metal anchor, forming a strong foundation for the replacement tooth. The replacement tooth is then affixed to the anchor using a screw or cement.
Implants are an excellent solution for many patients who have lost one or more of their teeth, and they are the only restoration that can prevent additional bone loss in the surrounding area of the missing tooth. In addition to restoring missing teeth, they also can help prevent facial collapse and preserve the shape of your jawline.
There are several different types of dental implants, but the procedure is generally similar for all. Your oral surgeon will remove the damaged tooth and assess the health of your jawbone to make sure it can support an implant (this may involve minor bone grafting). Then, they will create a space in the jawbone for the replacement tooth. They may also use a sinus lift if your jawbone has receded due to periodontal disease or injury.
Your healthcare provider will numb the skin of your inner upper arm with local anesthetic. They will put the implant under your skin with a needle-like device and leave a small bandage on top to help with bruising. It only takes a few minutes to place the implant.
Once it’s in, the implant steadily releases a progestogen hormone, which mimics the natural progesterone that women produce in their ovaries. This keeps the ovaries from releasing an egg each month (ovulation). Some studies have shown that people with the implant have less painful periods or a period that is lighter or longer than normal. In some cases, the implant can stop your periods completely (amenorrhoea).
You can still get pregnant while using an implant, so it’s important to use a backup form of birth control, such as condoms, when you have sex. The implant doesn’t protect against sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. It can also interfere with some medicines.
Getting an implant is a big decision and a significant financial commitment. It’s important to weigh your options and talk with a dentist or nurse before you decide to go ahead. They can explain how the process works, what to expect and answer any questions you might have.램브란트치과