Many doctors prescribe different types of diets for patients in hospital settings, ranging from a normal diet to nothing by mouth for a designated amount of time. 다이어트약 Some diets modify calorie intake, others focus on specific nutrients or fluid levels and still others accommodate food allergies or intolerances.

Liquid diets can include clear liquids like water and broth, ice pops and flavored gelatin or full-liquid foods such as milk and pudding. They can also be pureed or blended and may contain a mix of these foods as well as soft fruits, vegetables and meats. These diets are often used as a transitional diet after illness or surgery or to prepare for tests or procedures.강남다이어트
At Stanford Medicine, chefs from food services and hospitality are working to reimagine hospital food by creating new real-food alternatives to nutritional supplements, such as Ensure, which is often made with corn syrup and other chemicals. Kin spoke with Helen Wirth and Jodi Krefetz, two leaders in this effort to reimagine hospital cuisine. They discussed their approach and how they work with clinical input from surgeons and dieticians to create innovative, tasty food for recovering patients.